So why bother with Antenatal Education.
It’s usually only first time mums who question whether ‘Ignorance is bliss’ when it comes to childbirth.
Why bother preparing?
It will give you the chance to take control and feel an ctive participant in your labour and birth.
Feel Prepared, Equipped & Educated.
So that you can understand & believe in your body & the process of birth.
By practising techniques such as breathing and active movement it will compliment the birth process.
Incorporating these techniques into regular Yoga or Pilates practise will help them become inherent and instinctive.
It is possible to learn to be feel positive & relaxed
Make the decision to ..
Own it…… Feel confident, Empowered & In control
Know your Options
Make every decision an Informed choice
There is No right or wrong but aim to be actively involved in all decisions throughout YOUR baby’s birth.